- Lesson 1. JavaScript Overview
- Lesson 2. JavaScript Syntax
- Lesson 3. Type of JavaScript
- Lesson 4. Embedding Script In HTML File
- Lesson 5. Variable
JavaScript is a popular programming language that is used to create interactive web pages. It was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 and is now widely used for both client-side and server-side development². JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform, single-threaded, and interpreted compiled programming language. It is also known as the scripting language for webpages. JavaScript is a weakly typed language (dynamically typed) and can be used for both imperative and declarative programming. JavaScript is well-known for the development of web pages, and many non-browser environments also use it. It contains a standard library of objects, like Array, Date, and Math, and a core set of language elements like operators, control structures, and statements. JavaScript can be used for Client-side developments as well as Server-side developments. In client-side development, JavaScript supplies objects to control a browser and its Document Object Model (DOM). Client-side extensions allow an application to place elements on an HTML form and respond to user events such as mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation. Useful libraries for the client side are AngularJS, ReactJS, VueJS, and so many others. In server-side development, JavaScript supplies objects relevant to running JavaScript on a server. Server-side extensions allow an application to communicate with a database, and provide continuity of information from one invocation to another of the application, or perform file manipulations on a server. The useful framework which is the most famous these days is node.js. JavaScript can be added to an HTML file in two ways: Internal JS and External JS. We can add JavaScript directly to our HTML file by writing the code inside the <script> tag. The <script> tag can either be placed inside the <head> or the <body> tag according to the requirement. We can also write JavaScript code in another file having an extension.js and then link this file inside the <head> tag of the HTML file in which we want to add this code.
JavaScript is a versatile programming language that is used for both client-side and server-side development. It is well-known for the development of web pages, and many non-browser environments also use it. JavaScript is a weakly typed language (dynamically typed) and can be used for both imperative and declarative programming. It contains a standard library of objects, like Array, Date, and Math, and a core set of language elements like operators, control structures, and statements. JavaScript can be added to an HTML file in two ways: Internal JS and External JS. There are many reasons why you should learn JavaScript, but the most obvious one is if you have hopes of becoming a web developer. JavaScript is a must-learn language for web developers as it is used to create interactive web pages that respond to user actions. It can be used to validate user input, create dynamic menus, and much more. Even if you haven't decided on a tech career, being proficient in JavaScript will enable you to build websites from scratch, which is a pretty useful skill to have in today's job market.
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Cras porttitor sed diam
Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.