React Introduction
React is a view library to develop single page applications in Javascript. It is the most popular library backed by Facebook. With React library, you can develop dynamic frontend applications which come with great features like component architecture, data binding, declarative views, universal apps.
Why Learn React
All students will gain knowledge:
*Understand how Single Page React application is different than traditional web development frameworks
*Code using new ES6 language features
*Develop an application from scratch using React 16
*Understand the benefits of unidirectional data flow
*Understand and use React, React Router, Redux, Redux Saga and other popular libraries
*Creating redux middleware with Redux saga
*Use styled-components to create presentational components (CSS in JS)
*Taking the advantage of React and Redux dev tools for better debugging
*Taking the advantage of immutable.js library to follow the immutable state principle
*Unit test React components, redux using Jest, Enzyme and sinon
*Implementing server-side rendering for SEO benefits and to reduce initial load times
*Understand webpack bundler and its killer features like code splitting, lazy loading, tree shaking, hot module replacement
*Create, build, and deploy react applications to cloud
*React ecosystem and sources for good third-party libraries
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Cras porttitor sed diam
Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.