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JavaScript and Node.js

3 Curriculum
( 2 Reviews )

JavaScript and Node.js

  • Lesson 1. The importance of being asynchronous
  • Lesson 2. Blocking vs. non-blocking code
  • Lesson 3. Server-side JavaScript
  • Lesson 4. The use cases
  • Lesson 5. The application stack

Introduction - What is Node.js

  • Lesson 1. What is Node.js?
  • Lesson 2. Why use Node.js?
  • Lesson 3. Features of Node.js
  • Lesson 4. Who uses Node.js
  • Lesson 5. When to Use Node.js
  • Lesson 6. When to not use Node.js
  • Lesson 7. Node.js Process Model

Setup Node.js Development Environment

  • Lesson 1. Installation of node.js
  • Lesson 2. Setup Visual Studio for Node.js
  • Lesson 3. Node.js Console
  • Lesson 4. Using Node.js to execute scripts
  • Lesson 5. First Hello world application in Node.js

Node.js Basics

  • Lesson 1. Primitive Types
  • Lesson 2. Loose Typing
  • Lesson 3. Object Literal
  • Lesson 4. Functions
  • Lesson 5. Buffer
  • Lesson 6. Process object
  • Lesson 7. Defaults to local
  • Lesson 8. Access Global Scope

Node.js Module

  • Lesson 1. Core Modules
  • Lesson 2. Local Modules
  • Lesson 3. Third Party Modules
  • Lesson 4. Loading Core Modules
  • Lesson 5. Writing Simple Module
  • Lesson 6. Loading Local Module

Module exports

  • Lesson 1. Export Literals
  • Lesson 2. Export Object
  • Lesson 3. Export function as a class
  • Lesson 4. Export Function
  • Lesson 5. Load module from separate folder

Node Package Manager

  • Lesson 1. Install Package Locally
  • Lesson 2. Install Package Globally
  • Lesson 3. Update/Uninstall Package

Building servers

  • Lesson 1. Creating servers with HTTP
  • Lesson 2. Receiving data
  • Lesson 3. HTTP streaming
  • Lesson 4. Working with TCP
  • Lesson 5. Development of application with servers

File System

  • Lesson 1. Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O
  • Lesson 2. Path and directory operations
  • Lesson 3. __dirname and __filename
  • Lesson 4. The FS Module
  • Lesson 5. Asynchronous Directories reads and writes
  • Lesson 6. Asynchronous file reads and writes
  • Lesson 7. Streams

Introduction to ExpressJS

  • Lesson 1. The model-view-controller pattern
  • Lesson 2. Defining Jade and Handlebars templates
  • Lesson 3. Building a front-end controller
  • Lesson 4. Defining routes
  • Lesson 5. Configuring Express to use Handlebars
  • Lesson 6. Using REST
  • Lesson 7. Reading POST data
  • Lesson 8. Building Handlebars helpers
  • Lesson 9. Adding middleware

Buffers, Streams, and Events

  • Lesson 1. Using buffers for binary data
  • Lesson 2. Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
  • Lesson 3. Streaming I/O from files and other sources
  • Lesson 4. Processing streams asynchronously
  • Lesson 5. Configuring event handlers

Data Sources

  • Lesson 1. How Node.js connects to databases
  • Lesson 2. RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
  • Lesson 3. Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases
  • Lesson 4. Performing CRUD operations
  • Lesson 5. Building client requests to web services

Working With Data

  • Lesson 1. Working With
  • Lesson 2. Processes & Clusters
  • Lesson 3. Child Process Module
  • Lesson 4. Why clusters
  • Lesson 5. The cluster object
  • Lesson 6. The worker object

Best Practices

  • Lesson 1. Node.js API design
  • Lesson 2. Error Handling
  • Lesson 3. Debugging
  • Lesson 4. Template Engines
  • Lesson 5. Unit Testing
  • Lesson 6. Node.js Testing with Jasmine

NodeJS Introduction

Node.JS is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for running the JavaScript code which is created on server-side. NodeJS can be deployed on any platform such as Windows, Mac, Linux, WebOS, etc. Due to this flexible nature of NodeJS, most big companies in the world such as GoDaddy, Groupon, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Netflix, PayPal, Rakuten, SAP, Tuenti, Voxer, Walmart, and Yahoo! have adopted NodeJS as per Wikipedia. The pre-installed package manager for the Node.js server platform is 'NPM'. It is used to install Node.js programs from the NPM registry, organizing the installation and management of third-party Node.js programs. NPM is used to install code and manage code not to load code dependencies from the command line. To create an efficient NodeJS program one can integrate it with MongoDB.

Why Learn NodeJs

The foundation ideology of NodeJS is to allow (JavaScript Everywhere). What this means is that while deploying a code, a developer need not have to create that code in multiple languages but can construct it using JavaScript as the foundation language. Meaning, creating a frontend using AngularJS or ReactJS and the Backend using NodeJS, by doing so one can achieve greater success with lesser hassles as the centre programming language is JavaScript. Hence, This allows developers to create unified web application around a single programming language, rather than relying on a different language for writing server-side scripts. Due to this uniformity, most software companies which build complex programs have adopted NodeJS. Node developers are a respectful bunch and are in high demand. SourceKode will train you to develop NodeJS programs which the industry demands and also offer a course in SERVER-SIDE deployment on Amazons cloud platform called Amazon Web Service (AWS)


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Comments ( 2 )

  • Ram MNovember 1, 2017

    Cras porttitor sed diam
    Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.

  • Andre DubusNovember 1, 2017

    Maecenas euismod mi ac risus faucibus
    Suspendisse vitae iaculis purus, non malesuada odio. Nunc nec interdum est, vel porta lacus. Praesent leo magna, lacinia non arcu eget, pulvinar tristique sapien. Etiam eget urna eget magna sollicitudin molestie. Praesent vitae libero ligula. Suspendisse ut tortor nulla. Nunc a bibendum nibh. Etiam ornare scelerisque velit sed egestas.

  • Ram MNovember 1, 2017

    Cras porttitor sed diam
    Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.