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3 Curriculum
( 2 Reviews )

An Introduction to PHP

  • Lesson 1. History of PHP
  • Lesson 2. Versions and Differences between them
  • Lesson 3. Practicality
  • Lesson 4. Power
  • Lesson 5. Installation and configuring Apache and PHP

Default Syntax

  • Lesson 1. Styles of PHP Tags
  • Lesson 2. Comments in PHP
  • Lesson 3. Output functions in PHP
  • Lesson 4. Datatypes in PHP
  • Lesson 5. Configuration Settings
  • Lesson 6. Error Types

Variables in PHP

  • Lesson 1. Variable Declarations
  • Lesson 2. Variable Scope
  • Lesson 3. PHP's Superglobal Variables
  • Lesson 4. Variable Variables

Constants in PHP

  • Lesson 1. Magic Constants
  • Lesson 2. Standard Pre-defined Constants
  • Lesson 3. Core Pre-defined Languages
  • Lesson 4. User-defined Constants

Control Structures

  • Lesson 1. Execution Control Statements
  • Lesson 2. Conditional Statements
  • Lesson 3. Looping Statements with Real-time Examples


  • Lesson 1. Creating Functions
  • Lesson 2. Passing Arguments by Value and Reference
  • Lesson 3. Recursive Functions


  • Lesson 1. What is an Array?
  • Lesson 2. How to create an Array
  • Lesson 3. Traversing Arrays
  • Lesson 4. Array Functions

Include Functions

  • Lesson 1. Include, Include_once
  • Lesson 2. Require, Require_once

Regular Expressions

  • Lesson 1. Validating text boxes,emails,phone number,etc
  • Lesson 2. Creating custom regular expressions

Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

  • Lesson 1. Classes, Objects, Fields, Properties, _set(), Constants, Methods
  • Lesson 2. Encapsulation
  • Lesson 3. Inheritance and types
  • Lesson 4. Polymorphism
  • Lesson 5. Constructor and Destructor
  • Lesson 6. Static Class Members, Instance of Keyword, Helper Functions
  • Lesson 7. Object Cloning and Copy
  • Lesson 8. Reflections

PHP with MySQL

  • Lesson 1. What is MySQL
  • Lesson 2. Integration with MySQL
  • Lesson 3. MySQL functions
  • Lesson 4. Gmail Data Grid options
  • Lesson 5. SQL Injection
  • Lesson 6. Uploading and downloading images in Database
  • Lesson 7. Registration and Login forms with validations
  • Lesson 8. Pagging, Sorting,…..

Strings and Regular Expressions

  • Lesson 1. Declarations styles of String Variables
  • Lesson 2. Heredoc style
  • Lesson 3. String Functions
  • Lesson 4. Regular Expression Stntax(POSIX)
  • Lesson 5. PHP's Regular Expression Functions(POSIX Extended)

Working with the Files and Operating System

  • Lesson 1. File Functions
  • Lesson 2. Open, Create and Delete files
  • Lesson 3. Create Directories and Manipulate them
  • Lesson 4. Information about Hard Disk
  • Lesson 5. Directory Functions
  • Lesson 6. Calculating File, Directory and Disk Sizes

Error and Exception Handling

  • Lesson 1. Error Logging
  • Lesson 2. Configuration Directives
  • Lesson 3. PHP's Exception Class
  • Lesson 4. Throw New Exception
  • Lesson 5. Custom Exceptions

Date and Time Functions Authentication

  • Lesson 1. HTTP Authentication
  • Lesson 2. PHP Authentication
  • Lesson 3. Authentication Methodologies


  • Lesson 1. Why Cookies
  • Lesson 2. Types of Cookies
  • Lesson 3. How to Create and Access Cookies


  • Lesson 1. Session Variables
  • Lesson 2. Creating and Destroying a Session
  • Lesson 3. Retrieving and Setting the Session ID
  • Lesson 4. Encoding and Decoding Session Data
  • Lesson 5. Auto-Login
  • Lesson 6. Recently Viewed Document Index

Web Services

  • Lesson 1. Why Web Services
  • Lesson 2. RSS Syntax
  • Lesson 3. SOAP
  • Lesson 4. How to Access Web Services

XML Integration

  • Lesson 1. What is XML
  • Lesson 2. Create a XML file from PHP with Database records
  • Lesson 3. Reading Information from XML File

MySQL Concepts

  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Storage Engines
  • Lesson 3. Functions
  • Lesson 4. Operators
  • Lesson 5. Constraints
  • Lesson 6. DDL commands
  • Lesson 7. DML commands
  • Lesson 8. DCL commands
  • Lesson 9. TCL commands
  • Lesson 10. Views
  • Lesson 10. Views
  • Lesson 11. Joins
  • Lesson 12. Cursors
  • Lesson 13. Indexing
  • Lesson 14. Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 15. Mysql with PHP Programming

Php Introduction

PHP is a server-side scripting language that can be used for converting any website into a dynamic website and allow for dynamic behavioural functions in the website. PHP is a free open-source tool and is the preferred development option of most companies across the web. Benefits of PHP include being able to collect form data, generate dynamic page content, or send and receive cookies.

Why Learn php

PHP is an acronym for “Hypertext Processor” and was first released by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. PHP scripts can be easily embedded into HTML documents that are served at the front end of the server. An interpreter acts as a backend module integrating into the webserver. Thus, PHP is an excellent choice for building full-fledged websites based on static HTML. A neat feature of PHP is that it's very flexible and versatile. PHP is almost the same as if it was an object-oriented language, making it a very convenient language to work with. It also has a quite powerful meta-language for developers. PHP is typically used to run Web sites, but you can run PHP on your Windows, macOS, and Linux workstations. The easiest way to run PHP is to install Docker and then run a container with PHP included. The container referred to in the link has PHP, MySQL, and NGINX running in a single container. You can be up and running in a few hours.


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Comments ( 2 )

  • Ram MNovember 1, 2017

    Cras porttitor sed diam
    Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.

  • Andre DubusNovember 1, 2017

    Maecenas euismod mi ac risus faucibus
    Suspendisse vitae iaculis purus, non malesuada odio. Nunc nec interdum est, vel porta lacus. Praesent leo magna, lacinia non arcu eget, pulvinar tristique sapien. Etiam eget urna eget magna sollicitudin molestie. Praesent vitae libero ligula. Suspendisse ut tortor nulla. Nunc a bibendum nibh. Etiam ornare scelerisque velit sed egestas.

  • Ram MNovember 1, 2017

    Cras porttitor sed diam
    Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.