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3 Curriculum
( 2 Reviews )

JavaScript (ES-5 and ES-6)

  • Lesson 1: Basic JavaScript
  • Lesson 2: Intervals and Objects
  • Lesson 3: Prototype, Hosting, and Closure
  • Lesson 4: Map, Filter, Template Literals, Reduce


  • Lesson 1: Basic of TypeScript
  • Lesson 2: Why TypeScript
  • Lesson 3: Classes of JS
  • Lesson 4: Interfaces


  • Lesson 1: Definition of ReactJS
  • Lesson 2: What is SPA?
  • Lesson 3: Merits and Demerits
  • Lesson 4: Prominent Features

Features of ReactJS

  • Lesson 1: React Concepts
  • Lesson 2: JSX and TSX
  • Lesson 3: Dynamic Data Rendering
  • Lesson 4: Property Binding

LifeCycle Hook Components

  • Lesson 1: Basic Understanding of the Topic
  • Lesson 2: Advance Understanding of LifeCycle Hook
  • Lesson 3: All LifeCycle Hooks

Network Call and Custom Services

  • Lesson 1: Fetch and Axios
  • Lesson 2: Custom Services Introduction
  • Lesson 3: Building a Service

Routing with React Router

  • Lesson 1: Setting up React Router
  • Lesson 2: Working with Nested Routes
  • Lesson 3: Link and NavLink
  • Lesson 4: Redirect Routes

Introduction to Redux

  • Lesson 1: Why choose Redux
  • Lesson 2: Install and Setup
  • Lesson 3: Dispatcher and High Order Components
  • Lesson 4: Advance Redux


  • Lesson 1: Introduction to NodeJS
  • Lesson 2: Modules in NodeJS
  • Lesson 3: Tour on NPM
  • Lesson 4: Installing 3rd Party Modules


  • Lesson 1: Introduction and Setup
  • Lesson 2: Web Browser Building
  • Lesson 3: Response Codes and Headers
  • Lesson 4: Express App Generator


  • Lesson 1: Routing Methods and Paths
  • Lesson 2: Route Handlers
  • Lesson 3: Express Router
  • Lesson 4: Parameterized Routes


  • Lesson 1: Introduction to MongoDB
  • Lesson 2: CRUD Operations
  • Lesson 3: Updating and Deleting Documents
  • Lesson 4: Limit and Order By

MERN App Deployment

  • Lesson 1: Planning Application
  • Lesson 2: Building App
  • Lesson 3: Launching or Deployment

MERN Stack Introduction

MERN stack is a full-stack JavaScript framework comprising MongoDB (database), Express (backend framework), React (frontend library), and Node.js (runtime). It enables efficient and seamless development of robust web applications.

Why Learn MERN Stack

Learning the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack equips developers to create full-stack web applications. It leverages JavaScript throughout, streamlining development, ensuring a unified language, and enabling seamless communication between the client and server components.


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  • 1 Star
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  • 1 Star

Comments ( 2 )

  • Ram MNovember 1, 2017

    Cras porttitor sed diam
    Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.

  • Andre DubusNovember 1, 2017

    Maecenas euismod mi ac risus faucibus
    Suspendisse vitae iaculis purus, non malesuada odio. Nunc nec interdum est, vel porta lacus. Praesent leo magna, lacinia non arcu eget, pulvinar tristique sapien. Etiam eget urna eget magna sollicitudin molestie. Praesent vitae libero ligula. Suspendisse ut tortor nulla. Nunc a bibendum nibh. Etiam ornare scelerisque velit sed egestas.

  • Ram MNovember 1, 2017

    Cras porttitor sed diam
    Vestibulum a mauris orci. Sed eros enim, euismod at eros ac, vestibulum volutpat tortor. Suspendisse neque dui, rutrum congue ligula ut, semper pulvinar diam.